Monday, January 4, 2010


This is Margaret, Maddie, and Nora.

This is Margaret. She is flippin awesome. Super funnay and a baby genius. Loves musical theater and photography (duh). Favorite color: blue. Favorite band: starfucker. Favorite food: Sandwiches and snapple (Shes basically liz lemon). Favorite TV show: Tie between SNL and 30 rock. Favorite Movie: Probably some old movie that is super sophisticated and you have never seen it.

Maddie is proabably the hippest hipster that has ever walked this earth with her sparkly shoes. She really really really likes music a lot and her itunes is a bagilion songs. DOES NOT WEAR SOCKS!!!! Favorite color: Yellow. Favorite Band: (As of now because shes super indecisive) Fleet Foxes. Favorite food: Easy mac. Favorie TV show: Parks and Recreation. Favorite Movie: Rocket Science.

Nora is crazycool. She likes to sing along to the instrumentals of songs she doesn't know. She is your favorite person and super B-E-A-utiful. Favorite Color: Rainbow. Favorite Band: They Might Be Giants. Favorite food: Bread. Favorite TV show is degrassi. Favorite Movie: the little mermaid.

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